For those of you who aren’t sure if condo living is right for you, take the following test provided by
1. My privacy is: ___ Not important to me. ___ Somewhat important to me. ___ So important I used to be a hermit.
2. My need to be in control of my living environment can best be described as: ___ NOT a control freak. ___ Need to be in control, at least to some degree. ___ As a matter of fact, someone DID die and make me king!
3. Amenities such as indoor Gym, swimming pools and tennis courts are: ___ Very important to me. ___ Not that important to me. ___ I’m not the athletic type.
4. I would respond to the following statement, “I like mowing the lawn, landscaping, and gardening,” with: ___ Are you kidding? ___ I don’t mind it. ___ I love working outdoors.
5. The following describes my position on doing my annual maintenance chores exactly on time: ___ I thought gutters flushed themselves out. ___ I am on top of it, give or take six months. ___ I have a laminated schedule taped on the refrigerator.
6. Home resale value is important to me: ___ Because I may be moving within the next three years. ___ But I expect to be here for a while. ___ Even though I plan to live here forever.
7. Living in an urban environment is: ___ Vibrant, exciting, and convenient. ___ Something I can either take or leave. ___ Not for me;give me the country life.
8. Meeting and interacting with many different types of people is: ___ Very important to me. ___ Relatively important. ___ I hate people.
Total all your points, giving yourself 1 point for each first answer, 2 points for each second answer, and 3 points for each third answer. Evaluate your score as follows:
8 to 10 points: Future president of condominium association
11 to 20 points: A good candidate for Condo life
21 to 24 points: Look to other alternatives...